[-empyre-] 3D digital emulation problems

.....i'm trying to collapse my thoughts [in terms of tangible output] regarding various threads that have been mani.fest][er][ing on empyre, as well as elsewhere [webartery is an.other]........

...i should begin with the source-spark, an encounter with jodi's latest offering _untitled-game_. this collection of mangled [quake-]game patches re][work][-route a 1st person 3Dshoot-em-up game design via multiple restructurings...jodi manipulate the game-play conventions perpetuated via a slew of these 3D-m.ulative games.......infrastructural code/execution splicing & redirection of typical perceptual drawcards make these reworked quake "instances" more profound than the typically repetitious pleasure-loadings derived from playing the original....there is no hierarchical game narrative or goal-orientation pathway 4 a user [player] 2 follow in jodi's versions. 3D architecture/physical emulation codas are out. _untitled game_ seeks 2 flatten a cartesian-tinged digital mimicking dynamic....

.....this n.counter with jodi's untitled-game has concreted my curiosity as 2 y we [as in net.makers/users/curiosity dwell-pointers] seem 2 need 2 imitate/reiterate a 3D viewpoint in our own works? wot is the fascination of technologies that seek to replicate offline dualities straight from a physic.al POV? is it the mirroring effect? eg that VRML creates an framing interface in which the tangible realities of 3D space can b controlled or cloned? or the reflexity of it all?


. . .... ..... net.wurker][mez][ .][E][mot][E][ion capt][l][ure.goes.here. xXXx ./.

.... . .??? .......

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